
Orange Innovation are involved in various European and French collaborative projects.

The French research project SIMPATIC  


Bilinear pairings are special kinds of functions that map pairs of points on groups to points in a third group. They make it possible to design cryptographic schemes with new properties that seem to be difficult to achieve in a more traditional public key cryptography setting, such as cryptography without Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), shorter signatures, cryptosystems with additional properties, or more secure systems. The aim of the SIMPATIC (SIM and PAiring Theory for Information and Communications security) project is first to provide the most possible efficient and secure hardware/software implementation of a bilinear pairing in a SIM card. This implementation will be next used to improve and develop new cryptographic efficient algorithms and protocols in the context of mobile phone and SIM cards. These pairing-based cryptographic tools will be finally used to develop or improve the security of several mobile phone based services. The project will more precisely focus on e-ticketing and e-cash, on cloud storage and on the security of contactless and of remote payment systems.

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